
Thursday, December 8, 2011

book.fave.rave: OBSIDIAN

May just seems so far away for the next book to come out!

I've been waiting for Obsidian for such a long time. I've been following its blog tours (lika a stalker) and have been hearing lots of good things about it (like a gossip monger) that i don't think i'd be adding much if i gush about it.

I just love it! Gosh, i knew i'll love it but i'm still shocked at my reaction. I mean.. i didn't know that it'll be this good. Honestly, all i can say is that you guys really have to read this! I my self can't get over the story. So many possibilities for the next book (which, again, can't seem to come out soon eneough for me).

I was totally reminded of my elementary years while reading this novel. I used to do this cliche'd thing when i had a crush on someone..

Daemon loves Katy
Daemon doesn't love Katy
Daemon loves Katy
Daemon doesn't love Katy
Daemon loves Katy
Daemon doesn't love Katy
Daemon loves Katy
Daemon doesn't love Katy

and when the last petal drops (i'll make sure i get the timing right ha!)
Daemon loves Katy!!!

Oh yea, it's a love-hate relationship between an alien and a human and it's sooo damn great that you really have to read this!! I'm not saying this just so i'm not the only one kicking tin cans, watching the clouds or pulling out my hair until May 2012 comes (well, okay, partly).. i'm saying this because i'm sure i'm not the only one who'll be swooning over Daemon and hating him the next minute and then back again to swooning.. errr.. i'm blabbering aren't i? lol..

Anyway... i guess i'll just have to wait ... and wait... and wait... until the next book falls at the palm of my hands =)

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